ICT, Logistics and Dalosy

Background blocks

Dalosy has been exhibiting at ICT & Logistiek for many years. Of course, the trade fair has been cancelled this year. In fact, it is quite possible that there will be no trade fair in 2021 either. That is why we will tell you about the latest developments here. What is new and how does Dalosy look ahead to the coming year? What we definitely would have shown during ICT & Logistiek, are the voice developments of our partner Vocollect. They have replaced their entire portfolio with the X series, which runs on a Linux operating system instead of the old Windows OS. This also applies to all mobile devices. With this development, better performance is achieved. Thus Vocollect has assured its future. Do you still have equipment on Windows? No panic, because the old equipment is still supported. However, there is already a large migration going on. So keep in mind that sooner or later this will come for you too.

Intelligent Cabinets from Zebra

Zebra is our biggest partner that we brought to ICT & Logistiek. New by Zebra are the Intelligent Cabinets, a kind of lockers where you place your mobile devices. Companies that work with many mobile devices have to recharge them at the end of the working day or during shift changes. At the moment, this happens in the most diverse places (on desks, in the kitchen, on the printer…). Besides being inconvenient, it’s unsafe and inefficient. Zebra has developed Intelligent Cabinets, racks, cradle locks and mobile racks to safely store, charge, monitor and manage enterprise devices. This allows the devices and your employees to do their jobs as efficiently as possible.

A display shows which handheld terminals are present and charged. In early 2021, the registration of a UV treatment will be added. So every new user knows for sure that he takes a device with a charged battery and that it is safe and clean.

In the Cloud

Extreme, the wireless infrastructure brand, has made the definitive choice for the cloud. This means that every new IT environment will be deployed through the cloud. The benefits of this are significant, including easier management, lower costs and greater efficiency. Read more about Extreme in the Cloud here.

Enterprise Mobility Management Services

Naturally, Dalosy also has a number of developments to report. We have seen our new Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Services grow considerably. Demand appears to be high! There is particularly great interest in security patches. And that’s not surprising, because the world over we hear stories about hackers, security breaches or phishing mails almost every week. But there are also many requests for the provision of periodic management. The focus of our customers is on operational matters, not on managing enterprise mobility. With our EMM Services we take on that role.

Do you have questions or need honest advice? Call us immediately: +31 78 68 11 200.

Hire your mobile equipment from Dalosy

Earlier this year, we told you about renting mobile equipment. Since a couple of months, the demand has increased considerably. In order to avoid disappointment, we have expanded our range of rental devices considerably. We have mobile equipment from good manufacturers, such as Zebra Technologies, Datalogic, Honeywell and Toshiba. We can supply barcode scanners and label printers, but also handheld terminals and voice picking devices. Because we also offer Enterprise Mobility Management, we make sure that the extra equipment you need is fully adapted to your organisation. You can start working with it immediately. Dalosy arranges all maintenance, support and management. We monitor your systems, including the rented equipment, and resolve many problems before they affect you.

Plans for 2021

At the beginning of 2021, we will introduce several new products in the field of robotisation. Online shopping has taken off in such a way that web shops and parcel delivery companies can hardly handle the work anymore. Of course, consumers will be happy if they can go to a physical shop again, but online shopping is a part of our society that we cannot imagine life without. We believe that both forms of shopping will continue to exist side by side. However, it is clear that the processes at webshops must be organised efficiently in order to take some of the pressure off, especially on the work floor in terms of order picking. Automation and robotisation offer many possibilities. In addition, much work is being done on equipment that is more efficient and has better specifications and various scanning possibilities.

Small-scale, beautiful events.

When the world looks a bit safer again and everyone is heading towards health, we would like to organise an event ourselves. Small-scale, with small groups and in cooperation with the major manufacturers we represent. And not to forget: at a special location. So that you can get to know new technologies and equipment live, in a safe way. We will plan this as soon as it is safe and healthy to do so again. Sign up for the newsletter or follow us on LinkedIn to stay informed.




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