Time to get your cybersecurity in order

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Cybersecurity: every company knows it is important. Yet organisations are far too little occupied with it. Software is not up-to-date, networks are insufficiently protected. Hackers are therefore experiencing golden times. In this article we go deeper into cyber security. We explain what it is exactly and give tips to really get your affairs in order.

What is cyber security?

In short, cybersecurity is the protection of systems, networks, computers and mobile devices against harmful digital attacks (hacks).

The purpose of these hacks? To paralyse business processes or to disclose or remove sensitive information. In many cases, extortion is also involved.

With cybersecurity, you protect weak spots, so that hackers cannot simply get in.

When do you need cybersecurity?

In fact, always. Companies often think that they run little risk. But hackers do not choose their targets based on industry, turnover or reputation. They look purely at the state of the technology used. Vulnerabilities in your internet security are quickly spotted by criminals. They use automated ‘scanners’ that detect weak spots. And they don’t just do this in distant places, but also in the Netherlands and Belgium.

It is therefore important to get your security in order. And that goes further than just using strong passwords. Cybercrime is a business worth billions. It is frighteningly well organised. In fact: the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism warns that cyber attacks could completely disrupt the Netherlands digitally. Time for action!

Cyberbeveiliging en Enterprise-mobiliteit

Equipment and software that are not used very often are of no interest to hackers. If they want to hack them, they have to make a lot of effort for a small group. And they don’t like that.

Android is modern, innovative and the most widely used operating system for consumer smartphones for a reason. Moreover, since Microsoft stopped using it, Android has become the operating system of choice for Enterprise Mobility solutions. Therefore, Enterprise Mobility systems are becoming more and more interesting for hackers. The more systems run on Android, the more lucrative it is to hack them. Do you use many mobile devices in your company? Think of handheld terminals, barcode scanners, RFID scanners and printers. It’s important to secure these devices as well. If hackers can get access to them, they have the option of shutting down all your business processes.

Of course, the manufacturers of Enterprise Mobility design secure business devices, solutions and services. They also send out regular updates to guarantee security and continuity. But you as a company also have an important task when it comes to cybersecurity.

Tips for good cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is crucial for every business. But how do you make sure you are properly secured? Good cybersecurity measures have two main focuses:

  • Update operating systems and software
  • Protect access to networks and equipment

Regular software updates

Updates have several advantages. By making software updates, you benefit from improvements. Usually, updates provide more functions and greater user-friendliness.

The most important benefit of software updates is invisible: security. Hackers regularly find new weaknesses in software. Software manufacturers “seal” these weaknesses and bring the improved software to their customers via updates. Are you not updating your systems? Then you are in fact using a system that is as leaky as a sieve.

Companies that are hacked often work with outdated software. If you regularly update your operating systems and software, you significantly reduce the chance of a hack.

Good security

Even if you have all software neatly up-to-date, you are exposed to great dangers. After all, systems are increasingly linked to each other via the Internet. A weak link in your security can quickly lead to major problems. Especially equipment that comes into contact with the outside world must be given maximum protection.

Security techniques include firewalls, encryption techniques, back-ups and even password managers. Make sure you secure your fixed network, but don’t forget your mobile devices!

Are you sure you’re doing the right thing? Ask an expert!

A lot depends on cybersecurity. If you do it right, you don’t notice anything. But if you click away from the update message once too often, you have been hacked. The consequences of this can be far-reaching. The continuity of your business processes could be disrupted, your personal data could be leaked or you could even lose all your files. And we haven’t even mentioned image damage yet.

Want to be sure of good security? Then it’s best to let an expert take care of your cybersecurity. The cost of prevention is not in proportion to the enormous damage that hacks can cause.

Our final golden tip? Evaluate at least once a year with your supplier. That way you create overview. How is the security of your company doing? What is your installed base and which software versions are you running? How do you ensure that you are running the versions recommended by the manufacturers? This way, you do everything to make your company digitally safe.

Dalosy arranges cybersecurity your way

You can come to Dalosy for advice on hardware and software security. We can also take care of cybersecurity for you. We have everything in-house for the best cybersecurity. We relieve you of all worries and arrange security for you: from software updates and firewalls to encryption methods and anti-malware.

Dalosy ensures the security of your fixed network and protects your mobile devices. So you no longer have to worry about technical issues.

Are you not one of our clients? Then you can opt for our separate security service. Are you already a Dalosy client? There is a good chance that we already take care of your cyber security for you. If not, we can easily add it to your service package.

We work in the way that suits your company. Do you want continuous monitoring? Or do you prefer that we periodically bring your security boundaries to a certain standard?

In consultation with you, we provide the service that best suits your organisation. With regular updates and rock-solid security, Dalosy ensures that your company is ready for the future.




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