Enterprise Mobility Management

Background blocks

Your logistics processes are running smoothly, partly due to automation and the use of mobile devices. Your employees work easier and faster, increasing productivity and efficiency. And you want to keep it that way. Conditions for continuity are the availability of real-time data and mobile devices that function smoothly on a secure wireless WLAN network. With Dalosy Enterprise Mobility Management you don’t have to worry about anything.

At Dalosy we know that maintaining equipment and systems can take up a lot of time and energy, and sometimes even cause some frustration. That is why we offer Dalosy Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM). With Dalosy’s EMM you can be assured that your Enterprise Mobility environment remains in top condition. Dalosy is specialised in Enterprise automation and has a great deal of knowledge and expertise in this field. Our mission is to unburden our clients. We take the care of mobile devices off your hands completely. Is a mobile device broken? We ensure that it is exchanged. You don’t have to worry about whether you have the right version, the right applications and safety patches. That is all taken care of.

In addition, with SOTI we can manage and monitor on remote the equipment in your warehouse, shop or workshop. We try to prevent malfunctions. If a device constantly indicates that its battery is low, we can replace it preventively. If the Wi-Fi connection is poor in a particular room or location, we find out and optimise the connection. We also keep an eye on the terminal’s behaviour: how many hours is it being used? Are updates available? Then, in consultation, we ensure that all updates – of your firmware, OS, management system and app(s) – are carried out on time and in the correct order.

Benefits of Enterprise Mobility Management

With our Enterprise Mobility Management, you can choose Mobile Device Management, plus much more.

  • repairs with collection and delivery service
  • support in case of malfunctions
  • management of (i.e. Android) devices
  • all updates
  • all safety patches

Reports and information

You will also receive a lot of additional information. Based on the results of our monitoring, we give you advice on how to further improve efficiency.

  • WiFi coverage (which devices have/do not have a connection and where)
  • How many devices are used per location
  • Which devices are never used
  • The repair status of the devices
  • Which software version is running on which devices (this information allows us to easily and controllably roll out OS updates, safety patches and releases)

Why Dalosy EMM works

Efficient and cost-saving

Dalosy offers Enterprise Mobility Management for a fixed monthly fee per mobile device. You no longer have to worry about equipment, supplies, battery signals or wifi. And all the work that goes with it. From security and virus protection to updates, with our Enterprise Mobility Management, everything is taken care of. Your business can continue to reap the benefits of efficient automation.

Know more?

Do you want to know more about Enterprise Mobility Management? Please contact us!




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