Internet of Things: What can you do with it?

Background blocks

IoT, big data, business intelligence… not a day goes by without us being hit with advanced technologies. They follow each other in such quick succession that it is almost impossible to keep up. Is the world about to change again? And what can you actually do with this Internet of Things?

IoT, big data, business intelligence… not a day goes by without us being hit with advanced technologies. They follow each other in such quick succession that it is almost impossible to keep up. Is the world about to change again? And what can you actually do with this Internet of Things?

But what exactly is the Internet of Things?

Besides people, objects are also connected to the Internet in order to exchange data via the network. Such as smart watches, refrigerators, thermostats, cars, medical equipment and aeroplanes. Because it is not about people, but about things, this is called the Internet of Things (IoT). It is expected that 75 billion objects will be part of the IoT by 2025.

Given the gigantic amounts of data generated by the IoT, we speak of big data. These are sets of data that are too large to maintain in a normal database. This may be because the quantity, speed or diversity of the data is too large. By itself, you can do nothing with big data. The data must be analysed and structured before it can be used.


Applications from everyday life

Customer card to collect data

We are all familiar with the loyalty card, with which retail chains collect enormous amounts of data on the basis of our daily shopping. With the help of software, data is filtered, analysed and made usable. Data on popular products, optimal walking routes and checkout offers provides information that retailers can use intelligently.

Controlling maintenance automatically

To ensure that the lifts in a building remain safe, they must be regularly maintained. By analysing data about lift usage, the last service and the parts used, the maintenance can be automatically controlled. This way, the engineer receives a message when the lift needs maintenance and which parts need to be taken along.

Parking application: saves traffic jams, city noise and environment

On the way to Utrecht you want to know where the nearest free parking space is. Your parking app looks up current information for you. There appears to be a free spot on Catharijnesingel. Your navigation system automatically directs your car there. For this application, data is collected, made usable, analysed, exchanged and used to find that one parking space for you. The advantages of this parking application: less traffic jams, less traffic to the same places and both the environment and the city are less heavily burdened.

What can business do with IoT?

The data exchanged on IoT can provide efficiencies for many businesses. But it is not a question of clicking on options and starting tomorrow. Good preparation is important. It starts with two questions: what do we need it for and what can we do with it? Because you need a plan and a goal for using the Internet of Things. Which processes do you want to improve? And what do you want to achieve: efficiency? A better customer experience? Market leadership? Greater security?


Stock management

Retailers and logistics parties can use big data to optimise their stock management. They can use cameras or sensors that continuously measure and monitor the stock on the shelves and racks. Is the stock on the shelves correct? Is there enough? This provides useful information about restocking.

Digital fitting room

Fashion chains can switch to a digital fitting room. In it, you don’t have to keep taking your clothes on and off. The smart mirror recognises you, analyses you and dresses you. In fact, the mirror is a large screen with a camera. You select a pink T-shirt, the mirror shows you how you look in that shirt. Different colour? Different size? Just click. What a difference in irritation, sweat and time! If you are happy with the result, you can take a photo and post it on Instagram. This application provides the chain with a cool image, a rapid increase in brand awareness and a large influx of young customers.

IoT also works for Dalosy

At Dalosy, we also exploit the potential of IoT. Thanks to data exchange via the Internet, we can maintain our clients’ systems better and faster. We can constantly monitor which software version is running on a system, which security patches need to be installed and when. In addition, thanks to IoT, we can maintain proactively, so that we can continue to improve our services.

All businesses on the Internet of Things?

Is IoT the answer to everything? Are you missing the boat if you don’t start using the Internet of Things immediately? We think that not every company will benefit from the possibilities that IoT offers. So always keep thinking critically.

Map out the following:

  • What bottlenecks do you face?
  • Which processes can you make more efficient, better, more attractive and safer?
  • Can you use IoT for that?

Some applications solve various problems, increase efficiency and reduce your costs. Like the parking application mentioned above. Other applications are fun and handy, but do not deliver anything. As a critical partner, Dalosy is happy to advise you on the sense and nonsense of IoT. We can help you with a business case, a careful calculation and alternative possibilities.




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