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Do-it-yourself retailer Hubo wanted to make the process for ordering and collecting items easier for its customers. That’s why Hubo introduced Click & Collect in 2016. The idea behind this is that customers place their order via Hubo’s website and pick it up two hours later at a shop of their choice. The entire order is then ready for them, they only need to pay. This saves customers time and they never run the risk of going to the shop in vain because an item is sold out. To introduce Click & Collect successfully, Hubo asked its trusted partner Dalosy for advice.

About Hubo

Hubo is a Belgian do-it-yourself chain with 150 shops spread throughout Belgium. The head office is located in Wommelgem. The company was founded in 1992 and is part of the Bricoalliance Group. Hubo sells a range of around 25,000 high-quality DIY products. Its shops cover an area of 2,000 to 3,000 m2 and are smartly laid out so that customers can always find what they are looking for. Hubo’s web shop is growing in popularity and this online presence is becoming increasingly important for the company.

Click & Collect for more efficiency and reliability

Hubo shops have no warehouse stocks. Therefore, it is essential that shop orders are placed with suppliers on a daily basis and that the inventory is accurately monitored. All items picked for a Click & Collect order in a shop must be processed in real-time so they can be re-ordered immediately and stock replenished quickly.

Hubo was already using Zebra’s MC2180 mobile computers in its shops for inventory and order picking. However, the company wanted to move to an Android platform and develop its own Click & Collect app specifically for large-screen Android devices so that more processes could be carried out on the shop floor.

After a pilot in four shops, Dalosy Hubo recommended Zebra TC72 Touch computers. These were delivered fully configured and ready to use. In addition, Dalosy’s software team developed a Click & Collect app especially for Hubo. In the meantime, Hubo has more knowledge about Android and has developed its own Click & Collect app.

"We want our shop staff to be ready to help customers. But they also need to be operationally efficient. To achieve this, we had to provide our staff with mobile devices."

Bart Vos, Head of the ICT-helpdesk at Hubo

A Click & Collect order is placed via the Hubo website and processed in Hubo’s ERP system. In addition, the mobile devices in the shop where the order is picked receive an immediate notification. The notification shows all open orders that need to be picked, along with the required item details such as number and type. The employees then collect the articles from the shelves in the shops. When scanning the articles, the information about them is processed in the ERP system in real time. The back office receives a notification of the sale of these items so that the inventory can be updated and replenished. Staff also use the mobile devices for goods receipt and to create purchase orders.

Real-time stock management

Thanks to Hubo’s effective and efficient Click & Collect system, Click & Collect orders are delivered very accurately and on time, and stock can be replenished in real time. Other processes where the mobile devices are used, such as the inventory cycle, have also seen improved ROI. For example, inventory cycles are now carried out on a regular basis, rather than annual stock counts, saving Hubo time and money, and ensuring that stock is more accurate. In the future, Hubo will put more and more apps on the mobile devices to give more functionality to shop staff, reduce administrative work and avoid duplication of effort.




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